Hudson Dealerships |  |
Youngs Bay - Astoria, Oregon |

The above clipping from the January 31, 1954 Oregon Journal gave me my first lead on the Young's Bay Motors dealership. An inquiry with a local paper resulted in the following query:

The text reads:
Halloween is a good time for a mystery, and the Ear has one for you. "I'm a member of the Hudson-Essex-Terraplane automobile club and have been assisting in the research of documenting past dealerships," wrote SARAH YOUNG. "We came across 'YOUNG'S BAY MOTORS' in Astoria as a HUDSON DEALERSHIP, but this is the only information we have on it." Pictured above, a Hudson advertisement from the 1950s.
Young was writing on behalf of ( If you're a Hudson Jet fan, go check out their Web site for a carload of information about the Hudson, restoration, where to get one, and of course, scads of photos. Yes, they're even on MySpace at (
"We're hoping to at least find a physical address. Years in business and/or photographs would be even better." Young said. "Any information or tips would be most helpful!"
Bob Williamson happened to see this query and the following article appeared in the Daily Astorian:
 Daily Astorian - November 6th, 2009
Mr. Williamson attended the Brownsmead Historical meeting on Novemer 13th, 2009, where he was acknowledged for the article shown above.

Young's Bay Motors, Business Highway 101, Astoria, OR. Owned by Art Roth and Bob Williamson (Found in Jan 1954 phone book with location given as Youngs Bay. Also seen in 01/31/1954 Oregon Journal ad.)

Williamson Body Repair was a later business owned by Mr. Williamson

Columbia Housewarmers, a heating business, is now located in this building.
Bob Williamson was born in 1925. As of April 2010, Bob Williamson was living in Svensen, Oregon with his wife of over 60 years, Pat. Bob is a retired vet from WW2. He has since passed. In reference to the Kirk & Uhl dealership (located at 66 10th Street in Astoria) Bob said, "Prior to the Kirk & Uhl Company, there was a "Swanson" that owned it. As I recall, as a kid, I would ride by it occasionally on my bike. He also remembers that there was a dealership in Portland that he would go to pick up Metropolitans, which he describes as a little sports car. It was located in a big parking lot by where "Theils is on the west side of Burnside."
Courtesy HET JetSet - All Rights Reserved.