Hudson Dealerships

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History of Hudson Dealerships





Greenville, TN:
Bacon Motor Co., Main Street, Greenville, TN (Also sold Hupmobile) (1923 Automobile Blue Book/touring guide)

Helenwood, TN:
Toomey, U.S. 27, Helenwood, TN. Shown is a picture of a license "topper" used to advertise their business.

Memphis, TN:
Downtown Motor Sales
Downtown Hudson Sales, Memphis, TN. In photo, Downtown Hudson found that the public view is sure key to sales. They displayed both a 1954 Jet and a 1954 Hornet in the lobby of the Chisca Hotel, in the center of the city. They attribute an excellent roster of prospects to their public viewing. Also referred to as Downtown Motor Sales. Leland Lowry and W.F. South were featured signing for the dealership in the 12-7-53 Automotive News.

Old Hickory, TN:
Rayon City Motor Company
Rayon City Motor Company, Bridgeway Ave. Ad circa 1940. Note that Rayon City is now part of Old Hickory, TN.


Amarillo, TX:
Cullum Motor Company
Cullum Motor Company, Distributor, Tyler at Seventh. Sold Hudsons from at least 1935-1943. Click here for more pictures and information.

Amarillo, TX:
Lone Star Motors
Lone Star Motors, Inc., 620 Tyler St., Amarillo, TX. In business from at least 1947-1951. Click here for more pictures and information.

Amarillo, TX:
W.E. Groendycke Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

Atlanta, TX:
T.R. Richey Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

Austin, TX:
Thomson Motor Co. Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

Beaumont, TX:
Richards Motor Co
Richards Motor Co, College St (Hwy 90), Beaumont, TX. Deihl(?) traveled much of the Southwest. The banner on the dealerships says, "It's a Wonder Car, New Hudson Jet," placing this photo circa 1953-54. Only a portion of the building remains but the utility pole and mailbox persist.

Bonham, TX:
J.J. Catron and R.G. Alexander Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

Borger, TX:
Beals Motor Service
Beals Motor Service, 416 Weatherly St., Borger, Texas. (From a '56 Hudson Rambler color brochure.)

Brownsville, TX:
J. Dennett Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

Coleman, TX:
Dr. E. E. Knox Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

Commerce, TX:
P.W. Maloney Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

Corpus Christi, TX:
Hudson Corpus Christ Motors
Hudson Corpus Christi Motors, Corpus Christi, TX. Introducing 1946 models.

Corpus Christi, TX:
Kirkman Car Exchange
Kirkman Car Exchange, 1601 S. Staples. From 2-11-57 Automotive News.

Other Hudson Dealerships in Corpus Christi, TX included:
C. Chaddick & Co., 508 Chapperal St. Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

Corsicana, TX:
Silas G Fry Motor Co
Silas G Fry Motor Co, 217 W. Fifth, Corsicana, TX. Ad seen in 1949 and 1953 Elmhouse High School yearbook. May have also been located at 122 w 3rd street at some point.

Dallas, TX:
Dallas Hudson Co.
The Dallas Hudson Co., 510 N. Pearl St., Dallas, TX.

Dallas, TX:

E.E. Huffhiner, Dallas, TX. Announced as new dealer in The Hudson Triangle, Vol.1 Number 8, December 2, 1911.

Dallas, TX:
Hudson Sales Company, Dallas, TX. Dealer Name: W.A. Fosdick. Mentioned in Hudson Triangle News Volume 1 Number 20 from February 24, 1912.
The Rose-Fosdick, 1417 commerce Street (Circa 1912) Also seen in 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

Dallas, TX:
William Morriss
William Morriss, Inc., Dallas, TX. Featured in The White Triangle of May 15, 1920.

Del Rio, TX:
M.E. Woolf Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

Dennison, TX:
Pearce Auto Co. Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

Dublin, TX:
N.J. Keith Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

El Paso, TX:
Casner Motor Company
Casner Motor Company, Inc., 601 Wyoming Street.

El Paso, TX:
Nauman Motor Sales
Nauman Motor Sales, NE corner of W San Antonio Ave & Leon St. C.D. Nauman manager, distributors of the Hudson and Reo pleasure cars, Reo and GMC trucks. Also found in 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book. At 355 Myrtle Avve at some point?

Ennis, TX:
Allen and Kendall Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

Forth Worth, TX:
Smith-Swinney Motor Company
Smith-Swinney Motor Company, 1012-20 W. 7th St., Fort Worth, TX. This building was directly across the street from the Firestone Building. It was constructed in 1927 with a Spanish Colonial Revival facade; designed by Fort Worth Architect Wyatt C. Hedrick. to house the Smith-Swinney Motor Company which sold Hudson and Essex automobiles. It was one of the car dealerships that lined Seventh Street for several blocks between Summit Ave. and Henderson Street. From 1929 until 1962, the building was home of Mastin Motor Co. (A SEP.57 directory had this listed as a DeSoto dealership.) When Mastin closed, the ground floor storefronts were remodeled and the building has been used by a variety of tenants since that time including the Forth Worth Shaver and Appliance Center. In recent years, the building has been vacant and some partial demolition of the upper floor has been done recently after a 2000 tornado wreaked havoc on the structure. The current owners of the property sought permission from the City of Fort Worth to demolish the building. The building lacked a roof and was generally in bad repair. According to an article in the January 12, 2006 (page D1) Fort Worth Star-Telegram, the city delayed demolition of the building for six months in hopes of finding a use for the property. It was completely demolished on February 23, 2007.

Other Hudson dealerships in Fort Worth, TX included:
Harrison-Green Motor Co. Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book. Also shown in "Biennial Report of Secretary of State of the State of Texas" listed under "Domestic Charters Forfeited for Non-payment of Franchise Tax, July 2, 1917 to July 2, 1918" The Franchise Tax was reported as $10.00!

Fredericksburg, TX:
T.J. Martin Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

Gainesville, TX:
H.L. Simpson Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book. Also mentioned on page of The Hudson Triangle Volume 6 Number 6.

Galveston, TX:

Above is a photo from the Cotton Carnival & Races on the lawn of of the Galvez Hotel at 2024 Seawall Blvd in Galveston, TX where General Manager E.C. Morse (at left) managed a factory exhibit. Visiting dealers were William Steinhard of San Antonio TX, A.C. Burton of Houston TX, Mr Wray of Shreveport LA, C.W. Roberts of Hondo TX, Mr. Rose of Dallas TX, and Rupert Cox of Beaumont TX plus others. Between 1,000 to 1,200 visitors came from Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma. This was featured in The Hudson Triangle Volume 2 Number 7 on August 17, 1912. - The Galvez Hotel still overlooks the Galveston Seawall and Gulf of Mexico to date where it was built in 1911.

Gonzales, TX:
W.H. Davis Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

Greenville, TX:
Hindman & Hopkins Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

Harlingen, TX:
Wesley J. Bailey Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

Hondo, TX:
Hondo Auto Sales Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

Houston, TX:
A.C. Burton & Co
A.C. Burton & Co., 1116 main (Circa 1910) and at 1400-1402 Main St (circa 1926). Dealer Name: A.C. Burton. Article clipping from The Hudson Triangle, volume 3 Number 35 from February 28, 1914. Also seen in 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book. See Alex Clark Motor Car Company ad.

Houston, TX:
Alex Clark Motor Car Co
Alex Clark Motor Car Co., corner San Jacinto & Walker (circa 1926). Ad from Houston Chronicle, May 30, 1926. Charles D. Welty and Alex Clark moved from St. Joseph, MO and formed a business partnership under the firm name of Alex Clark Motor Car Company in 1925 as a Hudson and Essex distributor. Upon the death of Mr. Clark, the dealership was taken over by Mr. Welty and renamed Welty Motor Co, see below. In busines from 1925-1935.

Houston, TX:
Broadway Motor Co
Broadway Motor Co, 402 Broadway. The 3-1/2" long key ring can opener was unearthed in April 2015 in the yard of a rural Massachusetts home with signs that it'd been in the ground awhile. One has to wonder how it got from Houston to Massachusetts! Incorporated as a business in 1947 and also found in July 1949 Southwestern Bell Greater Houston Telephone Directory, it's unknown if it lasted through 1957.

Houston, TX:
Lundell Motor Co., 3617-3619 Washington Blvd (circa 1926). See Alex Clark Motor Car Company ad.

Houston, TX:
Rountree Motor Company
Rountree Motor Company. Circa 1935.

Houston, TX:
Snelling Motor Co., 6600 Harrisburg Blvd (circa 1926). See Alex Clark Motor Car Company ad.

Houston, TX:
Washington Motors, 3711 Washington. July 1949 Southwestern Bell Greater Houston Telephone Directory

Houston, TX:
Welty Hudson - San Jacinto and Walker
Welty Motor Co, originally located at San Jacinto and Walker streets as shown in photo and moved to 1701 Milam in 1932. Operated by Charles Douglas Welty until his death, May 7, 1953. Click here for more information.

Kerrville, TX:
Bunger & Waring 1925-1926 Click here for more info.
Bunger Motor Co. 1927
Hughes Motor Sales & Service, Domingues Motor Building 1929
W.H. Rutherford, 1500 Water St. (Kerrville Garage). New agency in May 1936.
J.G. Asher, at Kerrville Garage. Open agency July 1936.
Burton Motor Sales
Broadway Service Station
Wright & Webster Motor Co.
Baker Motor Company, 1300 Broadway. 1946.
Broadway Motors, 1300 Broadway. 1950.

Laredo, TX:
Wormser Bros. Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

Longview, TX:
Bodenheim & Campbell Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

Matador, TX:
S.J. Bailey Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

McKinney, TX:
W.H. Worthy Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

Mineola, TX:
Wakefield MotorCo
Wakefield Motor Co, 602 W Broad. Circa 1949-1952. Look at this picture!

Nacogdoches, TX:
Schmidt Auto Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

Navasota, TX:
P.W. Wyman Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

New Braunfels, TX:
Bender Motor Co
Bender Motor Co, Seguin & Mill Street, New Braunfels, TX. Dealer Name: C. Bender. Item is 8" long by 1 1/4" wide at spoon end and 1 1/2" wide at opener end.

Other dealerships in New Braunfels, TX included:
Auto Sales & Supply Co. Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

Pharr, TX:
Marvin Evans Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

Plainview, TX:
Brown Motor Co, Plainview, TX. Bryon Brown signed his contract without seeing the new cars per The Hudson Triangle, Vol.2 Number 6, August 10, 1912. Also mentioned in The Hudson Triangle, Vol.1 Number 23 March 16, 1912.

Ranger, TX:
C.J. Moore Auto Mart
C.J. Moore Auto Mart and Texaco Station. C.J. Moore was also a dog breeder and aviation booster.

San Angelo, TX:
Webb Auto Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

San Antonio, TX:
John Boyd Motors
John Boyd Motors, 606 Broadway. Ad found in June 15, 1947 San Antonio Light.

San Antonio, TX:
Orsinger Motor Co
Orsinger Motor Co, 445 Main Avenue, San Antonio, TX.

Other Hudson dealerships in San Antonio, TX included:
Crockett Automobile Co., 109 W. Crockett St. Seen in 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.
Ed Podewil's Service, 1727 N. Main Ave.
Fred P. Warren Co. Mentioned in The Hudson Triangle, Vol.1 Number 23 March 16, 1912.

San Saba, TX:
San Saba Garage & Machine Co. Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

Seguin, TX:
Puls Auto Co. Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

Stamford, TX:
C.E. Sammons circa 1913-1916? Seen in 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

Waco, TX:
Marstaller Motors
Marstaller Motors, 3000 Speight Street, Waco, TX. Dealer Name: Gertrude & Charles Marstaller. Marstaller Motors entered this single carburetor model in an acceleration race sponsored by the Copparrals Racing Association of Grand Prairie, Texas. Mechanic Donald Wood's car accelerated to 72.58 miles per hour in 1/4 mile to beatl all competition. (Left to Right) Donald Wood, Charlie Marstaller, Jr. and Dallas District Manager Jack Sherman.

Other dealerships in Waco, TX included:
Percy Willis Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book.

Wichita Falls, TX:
Lloyd Weaver Auto Co
Lloyd Weaver Auto Co., 814 Travis St. Photo from Vol 9 No 11 Hudson Triangle News of Dec 1919. Click here for more information and pictures.

Wichita Falls, TX:
Schnell & Weaver Per 1916 Hudson Service Inspection Book. Weaver left partnership to create Lloyd Weaver Auto Co.


Bountiful, UT:
Wilkinson Motor Sales
Wilkinson Motor Sales, Hwy 91 at Wood Cross Rd. Clipping from Davis County Clipper Sept 20, 1946.

Bountiful, UT:
G. Wood Motor Company
G. Wood Motor Company, 560 South 5 West. Clipping from Davis County Clipper July 15, 1955.

Cedar City, UT:
Cedar Service Company
Cedar Service Company, 92 North Main Street. Clipping from Iron County Record Feb 21, 1946.

Cedar City, UT:
Utah Nash
Utah Nash, 92 North Main Street. Clipping from Iron County Record Feb 21, 1946.

Eureka, UT:
Atherly Brothers
Atherly Brothers, unknown address, Eureka, Utah. The building was constructed in 1892 by McCrystal & Company to house the Tintic Miner (local newspaper), a meat market, and barber shop. Shortly after it became the Tintic Mercantile Company (general merchandise) owned by McCrystal Investment Company [of the Eureka Hill and Gemini Mines] to serve as a "company store" for the mines. In the 1930s or 1940s, the Atherly Brothers operated a Hudson-Essex dealership in the building. In at least the 1970s it was the Amoco Oil Station. Pictures shows the main street of Eureka where the dealership may have been.

Manti, UT:
Manti Motor Company
Manti Motor Company. Clipping from Manti Messenger July 29, 1932. Click here for more pictures.

Manti, UT:
Nell's Motor Service
Nell's Motor Service. Clipping from Manti Messenger Sept 20, 1946.

Ogden, UT:
George T Frost, 1950 Washington Blvd. Circa 1950? This property is now home to Fat Bob's Garage.
Ogden Motor Co, 2653 Washington Ave. Circa 1915?

Orem, UT:
Bullock Motors
Bullock Motors, 1200 N State. Circa 1952.

Salt Lake City, UT:
Alex Beveridge
Alex. Beveridge, Salt Lake City, UT. Announced as new dealer in The Hudson Triangle, Vol.1 Number 8, December 2, 1911.

Salt Lake City, UT:
Botterill Patterson
Botterill Patterson, 25 South 3rd St. Tom Botterill's business clipping from the Utah Daily Chronicle 1938-11-23, a University of Utah school paper. Notice the three digit phone number in the lower right. State archives notes: The name of Botterill is a familiar one to automobile dealers and the owners of motor cars throughout the west. For years the brothers, Tom and Frank Botterill, have been associated, first in the bicycle and afterward in the automobile trade, and their business has been conducted under the firm style of the Botterill Automobile Company. The brothers own the controlling interest in the Denver establishment as well as in the Salt Lake City agency. Their interests are equally divided, Tom Botterill remaining in charge in Denver, while Frank Botterill maintains and directs the business in Salt Lake.

Salt Lake City, UT:
Gus Koehler
Gus Koehler, 24 West Fifth South. In 1932 he became special representative in charge of retail and wholesale for the ten western states, which position he held until appointment as intermountain distributor for Hudson-Terraplane. Picture shown from 1935. Click here for more pictures and information.

Salt Lake City, UT:
Harry F. Luff Motor Co.
Harry F. Luff Motor Co., 703 17th, Salt Lake City, UT. Featured in May 1980 WTN.

Salt Lake City, UT:
L.H. Strong
L.H. Strong Motors, 200 South West Temple Street, circa 1943, and then moved to 679 So Main Street (about 6-7 blocks away) in 1945, where it stayed until the franchise folded in 1954. They were featured in the Feb 1953 Service Merchandiser. They also sold Studebaker at some point. Company was namesake of Leroy Hobson Strong (1900-1975). After Hudson folded, the family took on VW in March of 1955 with Dave, Leroy's son, managing the business. In 1969, Dave acquired one of the first Porsche and Audi dealerships in the country at a new location where it still operates today at 1070 South Main Street (Circa Jan 2001.). Be sure to visit the Strong Volkswagen website. 55 years, 3rd generation. Brad and Blake Strong are co-dealers. Their father, Dave, is now retired, and grandpa Leroy passed. Click here for more info and pictures of this dealership.

Salt Lake City, UT:
Tom Botterill Automobile Company, 36-42 South State Street. Utah State Historical Soceity has a photo of showroom avaiable from Jan 14, 1918 showing the Botterill Auto Company display of Dodge Brothers, Pierce Arrow and Hudson Cars.

Vernal, UT:
Lloyds Motor Service, 396 W. Main Street, Vernal, UT. This company celebrated the opening of their new 1953 showroom by an outdoor dance for city residents aided by several giveaways to stimulate attendance.


Bennington, VT:
Bennington Garage
Bennington Garage, 327-1/2 Main St., Bennington, VT. Ad appeared in Automobile Blue Book (Vol. 2, 1918). (Also sold Federal automobiles per 1923 Automobile Blue Book)

Bennington, VT:
Williams and Bugbee
Williams and Bugbee, 945 East Main Street, Bennington, VT. Dealer Name: Joseph Latif & E.W. Williams. This unused postcard is believed to date from the late thirties or early forties and there are several International trucks pictured. This dealer sold Hudsons after World War Two, but may not have had that franchise when the card was printed.

Williams and Bugbee
Williams and Bugbee is shown again in this later photo. It's believed to date from the late forties or early fifties as it appears that the nose of a Step-Down is peeking out of an open garage door.

Burlington, VT:
Burlington Motor Co., Inc., 51 Elmwood Avenue. Dealer Name: R.J. Crocher. Circa 1949.

Montpelier, VT:
H.M. Farnham & Sons, Inc., 50 Court Street. Dealer Name: Hector Farnham. Circa 1949.

Newport, VT:

Frontier Motors. Dealer Name: H.D. March. Circa 1949.

Rutland, VT:
Rutland Motor Sales
Rutland Motor Sales, Corner of West and Wales St., Rutland, VT. Postcard circa 1924.

Other dealerships in Rutland, VT included:
Howard's Garage, 212 S. Main Street. Dealer Name: Rogers Y. Howard. Circa 1949.

St. Alban's, VT:
Badger & Paquin, Federal Street. Dealer Name: Burton Paquin and Maurice Badger. Circa 1949.

Wilmington, VT:
Childs Tavern Garage
Childs Tavern Garage


Alexandria, VA:
Old Dominion Motors
Old Dominion Motors, Pitt & Montgomery Sts., Alexandria, VA. Dealer Name: Jerry Slagle. Note a second location in Arlington that had been listed previously. Click here for more pictures and information.

Arlington, VA:
Hawkins Motor Co
Hawkins Motor Co., 2501 Columbia Pike, Arlington, VA.

Other dealerships in Arlington, VA included:
Old Dominion Motors, North 10th & Irving Sts., Arlington, VA. See Alexandria, VA listing for other location.

Harrisonburg, VA:
Shenandoah Transportation Co
Shenandoah Transportation Co., 1169 High St, Harrisonburg, VA. Sold Nash from 1952-1975? Hudson years unknown.

Other dealerships in Harrisonburg, VA included:
Shomo Motor Co., N. Liberty and Kratzer Rd.

Lexington, VA:
Rockbridge Motor Co
Rockbridge Motor Co

Lynchburg, VA:
Friendly Motor Sales
Friendly Motor Sales, Lynchburg, VA. This dealership participated in the donation of one of 23 Jets to winners of the Teacup Contest. Per December 1953 Hudson Dealer News (re: above photo): C.H. Crews, Jr. was the winner of the Teacup Contest Jet in the Alexandria Zone. (Left to Right) Ernie Gowin of Friendly Motor Sales gives keys to Jet to C.H. Crews, Jr. while salesman R.G. Shelton, who gave Mr. Crews demonstration, is an observer at the happy event.

Norfolk, VA:
C.E. Wright Co.
C.E. Wright Co., 426-430 Monticello Avenue. In business from 1912-1939, but photo is circa 1913-14. 229 E. 41st St was another location, but years there unknown.

Portsmouth, VA:
Airline Motor Co
Airline Motor Co., 1411 Airline Blvd, Portsmouth, VA. This dealership was located in a town area of 80,000 people in 1953, of which many were naval shipyard workers. This gave the city many possible Hudson owners. In December 1953 Hudson Dealer News: Freeland H. Forehand is the progressive owner of this dealership formerly representing a competitive make. His company is located in a town that has two major naval installations. Mr. Forehand is a very sales minded individual who says this of Hudson, "Sure, I had the chance to take on several other competitive franchises. But here is why I choose Hudson. It's a better product, it has a well established reputation and I like the Hudson market coverage. For instance, we've delivered five Hudson Jets in the past ten days because more and more people are going for an economy car. The Jet has economy plus.

Richmond, VA:
Bourne-Jones Motor Co
Bourne-Jones Motor Co., Inc, 3000 W. Broad St. In business during at least the stepdown years. Click here for more pictures!

Richmond, VA:
Gordon Motor Car Co
Gordon Motor Car Co. In business during at least 1910 per Hudson Motor Car Co bulletin.

Roanoke, VA:
Virginia Motor Co., 411-413 Jefferson St., Roanoke, VA (1923 Automobile Blue Book/touring guide)

Rocky Mount, VA:
Central Garage, Rocky Mount, VA (Also sold Dodge Bros.) (1923 Automobile Blue Book/touring guide)

Toms Brook, VA:
Hockman's Garage
Hockman's Garage


Aberdeen, WA:
C.T. Scurry. Appointed a Hudson dealership in 1916, Per The Automobile. Also found in this 1916 Hudson Triangle.

Aberdeen, WA:
Sunset Motors
Sunset Motors, 521 E. First St. Photo circa 1946 courtesy The Daily World, April 27, 1996. Referred to as Sunset Oakland Co., 521 E. First St. per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad. Company is mentioned in 1928 newspaper, presumably as an Oakland or Pontiac dealer at that time.

Auburn, WA:
Auburn Hudson Co., 616 West Main St. (Per 03/30/52 Seattle Times newspaper ad.)
Hoyt's Garage (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

Bellevue, WA:
Ulrich-Masten Motors. Dealer Name: E.V. "Babe" Ulrich. Seen in 03/30/52 and 03/08/1953 Seattle Times newspaper ads. Also featured in Sept 1953 Hudson Dealer News.

Bellingham, WA:
Kulshan MotorKulshan Motor
Kulshan Motor Company,1112-1114 Harris Avenue / 1300-1304 12th Street (Southwest Corner 12th and Harris)
In 1919, a one-story structure with basement and a wood truss roof with arched profile and clerestory end windows was constructed on the southwest corner of 12th and Harris to house Kulshan Motor Company, an automobile dealership and garage. The new era of auto tourism had arrived in Bellingham with the completion of State Highway 99, known as the Pacific Highway, and the paving of scenic Chuckanut Drive. Several other auto service businesses were established at this time, taking advantage of the tourist traffic along 12th Street. / The Kulshan Motor Company was purchased in 1924 by George and Mike Monson and renamed Chuckanut Motor Company with a focus on auto repair rather than sales. The Hudson-Essex dealership of Kulshan was taken over by P.L. Donovan (son of J.J. Donovan) and moved to his dealership in downtown Bellingham. / Chuckanut Motors continued under the ownership of the Monson brothers until 1960 when Clarence Lockhart and then Willard Fayette assumed ownership. In the 1970’s, the building was purchased by Clifford and Phyllis McKee who renovated the building for a restaurant and shops and named the building Finnegan’s Alley in honor of Fairhaven pharmacist, George Finnegan, who was also an investor in the original Kulshan Motor Company. Finnegan’s Alley is now the name of the area of shops just to the west of this building. / Gallery West has occupied the corner since 1972. A gift shop, the Wicker Basket opened at 1302 12th Street in 1973. In 1976, the Fairhaven Restaurant opened in the basement at 1114 Harris Avenue. As of 2010, the Fairhaven Restaurant is still operating as well as Gallery West. Blue Horizon boutique occupies 1302 12th Street along with Fairhaven Gold, and the Big Fat Fish Company restaurant completes the south portion of the building facing 12th Street. Vintage Photo courtesy Whatcom Museum Photo Archives.

Bellingham, WA:
Bellingham Motor Co. (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)
P.L. Donovan, downtown Bellingham. P.L. was the son of J.J. Donovan.
Prospect Motors, 104 Prospect. A Farmers Insurange agency is located at this address, but not sure of building date. (Per 03/30/52 and 03/08/1953 Seattle Times newspaper ads.)
W.H. Bland Appointed a Hudson dealership in 1916, Per The Automobile.

Bremerton, WA:
C.B. Craft (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)
Crawford Motors, 135 N. Callow Ave. N. Dealer name was R.T. Crawford. Not sure if Hudson dealership, but definately Nash from 1939-1956.

Centralia, WA:
Countryman Motors
Countryman Motors, 212 S Tower St. (Hudson Service Merchandiser Vol 5 No 9 from September 1953.)

Centralia, WA:
Howard H. Hutchins. Summa & Gold St. Presumably began after WWII, but continued as an AMC dealer until he retired in the '70's. "In 1958, the Lewis-Clark Hotel in Centralia offered a six-course Thanksgiving dinner for $2.50, with children paying $1.25. Halgrens, 1001 S. Gold St., across from Howard Hutchins, offered a Thanksgiving dinner for 99 cents, with children under 6 years paying 49 cents." per The Chronicle.
Hutchins-Peacock Motor Co. (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

Chehalis, WA:
Chehalis Garage, Inc. (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.) Possibly at 950 Marker St. Believed to sell Packard as well in unknown years.

Cle Elum, WA:
Reliable Auto Co. (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

Colfax, WA:
Colfax Motor Co. (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

Colville, WA:
White Blessing Motor Co. (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

Dishman, WA:
Fields Motor Co.
Fields Motor Co., 8517 E. Sprague. Clipping from 1951 telephone directory. In business until at least 1953, but not sure if it was as Hudson dealership then.

Ellensburg, WA:
C.J. Walker & Son (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)
Harry Sims, 213 W. 4th (Per 03/30/52 and 03/08/1953 Seattle Times newspaper ads.)

Enumclaw, WA:
Mt. View Service Station (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

Everett, WA:
C.V. Allen, 3001-3009 Colby Ave. Owned by C.V. Allen from at least 1920-1923. Allen sold out to John R. Hawkins and it became Hawkins-Allen Motor Company, see that name for further info.

Everett, WA:
F.M. Powell Appointed as dealership in 1916 per The Automotive.

Everett, WA:
Hawkins-Allen Motor Company, 3001-3009 Colby Avenue, Everett, WA. John R. Hawkins, President and Treasurerer and C.V. Allen, Vice President and
    Secretary. In business at least during 1923-1937. In at least 1937, they also sold Buick.
Root Motors / Root Motor Co, 25th & Broadway (Per 03/30/52 and 03/08/1953 Seattle Times newspaper ads.) Also featured in March 1953 Service Merchandiser.
Swenson Motors, Inc. (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

Goldendale, WA:
Maurer Bros. (Per 11/3/1937 Portland News Telegram.)

Hanford, WA:
Webber Fruit Co. (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

Harrington, WA:
H.C. Turner. Click here for biography.

Hoquiam, WA:
Walker's Garage
Walker's Garage, 610 8th St. Appointed a Hudson dealership in 1916. Click here for more pictures and information!

Kelso, WA:
Haussler Motor Company (Per 07/22/1934 newspaper ad, 01/27/35 Sunday [Portland] Oregonian, 10/29/1939 [Portland] Oregon Sunday Journal ad, 11/3/1937 Portland News Telegram, and 10/29/1939 [Portland] Oregon Sunday Journal ad.)

Kennewick, WA:
Graves Auto Service, 15 N. Auburn, Kennewick, WA. Graves Auto Service received the Hudson automobile franchise in 1948. Visit the East Benton County Historical Museum to view a photo in front of the dealership with (from left), Wayne McGuffin, salesman; Alfred Amon, Kennewick mayor; a Hudson representative; Bill Graves, owner; O.C. “Dutch” Lincoln, police chief; and Paul Pickett, salesman.

Kirkland, WA:
Hansen's Garage / Hansen Motor Company (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.) A November 7, 1935 Eastside Journal has HANSENS GARAGE ADDS AUTO SHOWROOM FOR INCREASED BUSINESS on first page! In a June 25, 1936 EastSide Journal, an article is titled HANSEN'S GARAGE SETS MONTH RECORD FOR TERRAPLANE SALES. In a October 16, 1947 EastSide Journal, an ad made to look like an article appears for HANSEN MOTOR COMPANY. In a July 28, 1960 Eastside Journal, an article is titled HANSEN MOTOR CO GETS LARK, HAWK DEALERSHIP HERE

Kirkland, WA:
Leland Motors
Leland Motors, Seventh Ave & Market St. The Leland Building was built on the southwest corner of 7th and Market in 1890, the first of the four original Kirk buildings to be completed that year. Daniel B. Jackson, the owner, was the grandfather of Dan Evans, the former senator and governor. The building was sold in 1925, the year Dan Evans was born. It was Kirkland's first theater, before movies. And then it became Kirkland's first movie theater, showing silent films. Photo circa late 1940s or early 1950s, courtesy Kirkland Heritage Society. In a December 11, 1947 Eastside Journal, an article is titled BEAUTIFUL NEW HUDSON NOW ON DISPLAY HERE AT LELAND MOTORS. At the time, it housed Leland Motors and the Gateway Hotel. There was a fire in the spring of 1963. O.F. Leland sold it to Standard Oil Co. It was demolished in December of 1964 and soon became the site of Gene Stumpf’s Chevron gas station. Directly across the street is the Peter Kirk Building, now the Kirkland Arts Center.

Latah, WA:
E.O. Knobel (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

Longview, WA:
Cook Auto Sales (Per 03/16/1952 Oregon Journal ad.)
Louie's Auto Sales (Per 01/31/1954 Oregon Journal ad.)

McCleary, WA:
McMillan Bros. (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

Metaline Falls, WA:
Erwin P. Jones (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

Mount Vernon, WA:
Olson Motors, Inc., 1405 S. Second St. Dealer Name: E.G. Olson. Phelps Tire Factory is located at this address, but not sure of building date. (Per 03/30/52 and 03/08/1953 Seattle Times newspaper ads.)

North Bend, WA:complete Service (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

Olympia, WA:
E.C. Tew The Automobile lists this as a Hudson agency as early as January 1916. It was a Maxwell agency as early as March 1914 per Horseless Age.
Northwest Motor Co. (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

Oroville, WA:
Kitching Motor Co. (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

Pomeroy, WA:
Pomeroy Auto Sales Co. (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

Port Angeles, WA:
Irwin & Johnson
Irwin & Johnson, 117 North Lincoln. (Per 03/30/52 and 03/08/1953 Seattle Times newspaper ads.) Mathews Glass currently resides in building.

Port Angeles, WA:
Howe's Garage, Appointed a Hudson dealership in 1916, Per The Automobile.
Kearns Motor Co. (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

Port Townsend, WA:
Miller Motor Co. (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)
Morse Motors, 640 Water St. (Per 03/30/52 and 03/08/1953 Seattle Times newspaper ads.)

Puyallup, WA:
Gifford Motor Company
Gifford Motor Company, 200 Main Ave E.,Puyallup
The Gifford Motor Company was a Rambler and Hudson agency. W.H. Gifford, at left, is seen signing his 1954 franchise agreement. Mr. Gifford is well qualified to speak on the value of the Hudson franchise. He declares [in December 1953 Hudson Dealer News], "I value my Hudson franchise because I sincerely feel we have the safest, most economical and most beautiful car in the industry. This, together with the co-operative spirit felt through the entire factory and dealer organization, gives me as a Hudson dealer, a potential profit-making business unequalled by another franchise." S.D. Williams, at right, Portland Zone Manager, indicates that Gifford's opinion is typical of dealers in the Portland Zone... Click here to view more info.

Raymond, WA:
Minkler Motor Co. (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)
Mountcastle Motors, 545 Third Street (Per 03/08/1953 Seattle Times newspaper ad.)

Renton, WA:
Hamilton Bros. (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)
Motor In Garage, Inc., 1400 Bronson Way No. (Per 03/08/1953 Seattle Times newspaper ad.)

Ritzville, WA:
Sickmann's Garage (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

Seattle, WA:

Transportation Corporation, 12th and Pine, Seattle, WA.

Seattle, WA:
Center Motors, 9439 17th St. S.W. (Per 03/08/1953 Seattle Times newspaper ad.)
Greenwood Auto Co., 8558 Greenwood Ave. (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)
Haggard Motor Co., 508 Fourth Ave. (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)
Grinnel Motor Co., 4901 15th Ave. NW (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)
Lough Motors, 810 Rainier Ave. (Per 03/30/52 and 03/08/1953 Seattle Times newspaper ads.)
Master Auto Service, 2324 Second Ave. (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

McDonald Motors at 7407 Aurora Ave. N., 98103, at the intersection of Winona and Aurora. Sid McDonald opened his store every day and sold Hudson parts until he passed away in 1996. I believe “Aurora Suzuki,” a motorcycle store, is now at this location. (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad as well as 03/30/52 and 03/08/1953 Seattle Times newspaper ads.)

Northwest Motors, Inc., 600 E. Pike St (Per 03/30/52 and 03/08/1953 Seattle Times newspaper ads.). This location is now home to Phil Smart Mercedes-Benz.
North Town Motors, Inc., 4701 Roosevelt Way (Per 03/30/52 and 03/08/1953 Seattle Times newspaper ads.)
Peterson-Wever Motor Co., 4701 Roosevelt Way (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)
S.E. Key Co., 4203 W. Alaska St. (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)
W.R. MacDonald Co., 1830 Broadway (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

Hal Steiner's Hudson,12800 Aurora Ave N. This dealership had its beginning in 1936 when Mr. Hal Steiner started a Hudson Motor Car dealership, located in the University District at 4057 Roosevelt Way. He sold Hudsons through World War II. In September 1945 Mr. Steiner gave up ... show more the Hudson dealership to acquire a promising new line of automobiles ... Studebaker. He sold Studebakers for nine years before being awarded a Buick franchise for the launch of the 1955 model year in October 1954. In May of 1959 Mr. Steiner sold the dealership to John Dresslar and Jim Waesche who kept the store at Roosevelt Way until 1967. On September 1st of that year the dealership was moved to a brand new facility at 9600 1st Avenue Northeast near the Northgate Shopping Center. Ten years to the day after buying the dealership together, Mr. Dresslar bought out Mr. Waesche. On October 1, 1972 Mr. Dresslar sold the dealership to Warren Westlund who remained at the Northgate location until 1986. In February of that year the dealership moved to its present location at 12800 Aurora Avenue North. Warren became ill with cancer and named Mark Westlund as successor dealer. Warren passed away in February of 1992 and Mark became the dealer and purchased Warren Westlund Buick GMC from the estate of his father.

Seattle, WA:

Scott E. Bird, 10th Avenue NE at 47th, Seattle, WA. Stationary topper dates to 1920s.

Seattle, WA:

W.L. Eaton, 1110 East Pine St. Photo is architect's conception published August 14, 1927; groundbreaking had occured the week prior. The building was finished on January 4, 1928. This building was built for W. L. Eaton, a Dodge dealer. By the 1930s, he had acquired a Hudson franchise. W. L. Eaton had closed by 1940, and the L.E. Belcourt Co. moved into the building in 1941, and remained there until 1978. Belcourt sold Studebakers from the '40's thru '60's and was also one of the main Renault-Peugeot dealerships in Seattle in the '60's.

Seattle, WA:

Wilcox Motors, 600 E. Pike St. Rambler, Hudson, and Metropolitan added in 1957 per 2-11-57 Automotive News. Building is now being used as Mercedes-Benz dealership!

Sedro Woolley, WA:
Kness Motor Co. (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

Shelton, WA:
Olympic Motor Sales, Inc., S First St & Mill St (per 1947 ad) or 627 S. First St. (Per 03/30/52 and 03/08/1953 Seattle Times newspaper ads.) Click here to view ads!

Soap Lake, WA:
Soap Lake Motor Co. (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

Spokane, WA:

"Burnie" Hyland. Second at Jefferson. 1945-1951. Location became J.T. Motors.

Spokane, WA:
Clark-Lindsay Motor Co., 810 Realty Building. Became Nash dealer in 1953 at West 1308 First Ave through at least 1956.

Spokane, WA:
Dick DuBois
Dick DuBois. W. 1103 Sprague St. 1939-1941.

Spokane, WA:
Hollenback Motors, 5303 E. Trent Ave. During at least 1951. Also Nash 1950-57, then Rambler to '59.

Spokane, WA:
Hud-Sex Motors
Hud-Sex Motors, W. 1208 First Avenue. Circa 1927.

Spokane, WA:
J.T. Motors
J.T. Motors / Teters Motor Co.. 1126 West Second. Dealer Jack Teters. In business during at least 1952. Click here for more pictures and information.

Spokane, WA:
John Doran Co
John Doran Co, 707 W. Second Ave. See picture and read article here.

Spokane, WA:
Preston Motor Co.
Preston Motor Co., 712 W. 2nd Ave. Ad from The Spokesman Review from April 1, 1934. Also found in 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

Spokane, WA:
Transport Corporation, Hudson Distributor. (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)
William A. Twohy Co., 702 W. 3rd Ave. Circa 1929-1932.

St. John, WA:
St. John Hdw. & Imp. Co. (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

Sumner, WA:
Sumner Auto Exchange (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

Tacoma, WA:
ALLEN MOTOR CO., 739-45 BROADWAY (Tacoma Daily Ledger 3/15/1925 p.G5 New Hudson-Essex home)
    Now home to Sanford & Sons Antique Auctions

Tacoma, WA:
Boyd Motors, 8223 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, WA. Boyd Motor Company was owned and operated by Boyd H. Shirley. It opened about 1947. (Also seen in 03/30/52 and 03/08/1953 Seattle Times newspaper ads.) Photos taken on 10-24-1947 can be viewed online courtesy the Tacoma Public Libary.

Tacoma, WA:
BYE THOMPSON MOTOR SALES, 3320 SO. G ST. (Tacoma Daily Ledger 6/21/1925 p.G11 New associate Hudson-Essex dealers here)
Tacoma, WA:
CENTRAL MOTORS, 714-16 BROADWAY (Tacoma News Tribune 11/21/1949 p.21 Grand opening as a Hudson dealer, also seen in 03/30/52    and 03/08/1953 Seattle Times newspaper ads.). The neighborhood north of 9th in the Broadway/St. Helens area was Tacoma’s “autorow” in early twentieth century.

Tacoma, WA:
McKee Motors
McKee Motors, 5402-5406 S. Tacoma Way. Luther McKee established his business here in 1927. He sold Hudson & Essex until his death in 1929. Click here for history on the building!

Tacoma, WA:
McLaughlin Motor Co. (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

Tacoma, WA:
Pacific Car Co.
Pacific Car Co., N. 2nd & G Sts. "The House of Service" Featured in The Hudson Triangle Vol.3 No.48 of May 1914.

Tacoma, WA:
Pioneer Motor Co., 5637 South Tacoma Way (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

Tekoa, WA:
Culp & Co. (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

Tenino, WA:
Johnson's Garage (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

Vancouver, WA:
Lineham Motor Company (Per 02/12/33 Sunday [Portland] Oregonian.)
Marion Motors (Per 03/16/1952 Oregon Journal ad.)
McIver Motor Company (Per 07/22/1934 newspaper ad, 01/27/35 Sunday [Portland] Oregonian, and 10/29/1939 [Portland] Oregon Sunday Journal ad.) Perkins Motor Co. (Per 11/3/1937 Portland News Telegram.)
R.J. Higdon (Per 10/29/1939 [Portland] Oregon Sunday Journal ad.)

Walla Walla, WA:
Al Cohen, 111 So. First St. Click following links to see pictures: July 1949, August 1949, and May 1950.

Walla Walla, WA:
H.L. Gray (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

Wenatchee, WA:
Wenatchee Hudson Co., 1017 N. Wenatchee Avenue - Circa 1940's.
Modern Auto Co., Inc. (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

Wilbur, WA:
Hubbell Motors (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)

Wishram, WA:
James Delaney (Per 11/3/1937 Portland News Telegram and 10/29/1939 [Portland] Oregon Sunday Journal ad.)
White Salmon, WA:
D.H. Sorter (Per 11/3/1937 Portland News Telegram.)

Yakima, WA:
Inland Motor Co
Inland Motor Co., 406 S. First St. A body shop is currently at this location, but age of building unknown. (Per 03/30/52 and 03/08/1953 Seattle Times newspaper ads.)

Yakima, WA:
Mays-PcPeak Motor Co. (Per 12/01/35 Seattle Sunday Times newspaper ad.)
Washington Auto Co.. Appointed as dealership in 1916 per The Automotive.


Burrows Motors Building Before Burrows Motors Building After
Burrows Motors, 900 M Street, Washington, D.C. Home to a Hudson auto dealership and more recently a dialysis unit, this building has gone under renovations and completed to create three retail spaces; a Domino's will occupy one spot.

Washington, D.C.:
District Motor Company
District Motor Company, 1509 14th Street N.W. Picture circa 1950s. Click here for more pictures and information.

Washington, D.C.:
Washington, D.C.
H.B. Leary, 1317-1/2 14th Street N.W.,Washington, D.C., circa 1911.

Washington, D.C.:
I.C. Barber Motor Co, 14th & Irving Streets N.W., Washington, D.C. Circa 1926 photo can be viewed on

Washington, D.C.:
Lambert-Hudson, 631-633-635 Mass. Ave NW. Clipping from The Washington Post, December 10, 1918. In business 1918-1924.

Other dealers in Washington, D.C. included:
Semmes Motor Co., Connecticut Ave., Washington, D. C. (Circa 1915.)


For more historical and current photos of West Virgina, please visit

Charleston, WV:
Frank S. Mullen, Inc.
Frank S. Mullen, Inc., Broad Street, Charleston, WV. Move cursor over image to view interior of dealership. The photos are from the September 1953 Volume 5 Number 9 Hudson Dealer News. This building would later house the A&P store and also a Rambler dealership.

Charleston, WV:
Midelburg Garage, 1016-1018 Lee Street, Charleston, WV (referenced in 1923 & 1926 Automobile Blue Book/touring guide)

Wayne, WV:
Wayne Hudson Sales, Wayne, WV. Owned by Jack Fry. New dealer in 1953.


Antigo, WI:
Sharon Motor Co
Sharon Motor Co, 524 or 824 Edison. Circa 1951.

Baraboo, WI:
Du Bois & Kieffer, 137 Third Avenue. Photo shows both the Du Bois & Keiffer Hudson dealership as well as Philbrick Motors, a Willys dealership, which shared the building. There is a Phillips 66 gas pump and a sign for Kendall Oil in front of the Hudson portion of the building. A tow truck, canvas covered trailer, and Jeep are parked in front of the Willys dealership. Photo circa 1945.

Baraboo, WI:
Mueller's Garage, Baraboo, WI. Circa 1930. Mueller's Garage sold Hudson and Essex. They shared a business corner with an Energee gas station as the anchor store and Ben Doty's Tire Service on the far side of the complex.

Beloit, WI:
Jimmie W. Menhall
Jimmie W. Menhall, Beloit, WI. Announced as new dealer in The Hudson Triangle, Vol.1 Number 8, December 2, 1911.

Brodhead, WI:
DeVoe Motors
DeVoe Motors, 814 East Exchange. Click here to view historic dealership photo. In business circa 1953.

Campbellsport, WI:
Dreikosen Garage, 131 East Main Street. Also referred to as Lot 1-2-3-Block of Senfts Addition, the property once held the James McCullough Store & Hotel & Livery Barn. Around 1925-26, Lot 3 was purchased from Emmett Curran by a William J. Dreikosen. Dreikosen built the garage in the lot and his son Gilbert had the Dodge & Studebaker Agency. They starte in buisness on July 27th 1926. In 1953 he also had the Hudson dealership. He operated the garage until ill health forced him to retire. The garage was not used for a few years until the Village of Campbellsport purchased it on December 9th of 1964. On November 20th 1975 the Village of Campbellsport sold the property to the Ben Franklin Corp for a new store which was completed in 1976.

Hurley, WI:
Sanders Garage
Sanders' Garage

Kenosha, WI:
Anderson Motors Kenosha WI
Anderson Motors, 1220 Sixth St. (60th St & 12th Ave) Dealer: Red Anderson. Circa 1954.

Madison, WI:
Hudson Auto Co.1134 E. Washington Avenue. Click here to view image of Hudson Auto Co. holding a "motor school" on Feb 19, 1947 to teach the use of Sun diagnostic equipment.

Menasha, WI:

Valley Hudson Sales, Menasha, WI May 1951. Photo courtesy John Davidson of Bristol, WI.

Milwaukee, WI:
De La Hunt Motor Co
De La Hunt Motor Co, 3617 W. Wisconsin Ave.

Milwaukee, WI:
Ed Mazzoni Motors
Ed Mazzoni Motors, Inc., 3617 W. Wisconsin Ave. Clipping from Milwaukee Journal Aug 9, 1949. Click here for more pictures and information!

Milwaukee, WI:
Fonda Motor Sales
Fonda Motor Sales, 9245 W. Fond du Lac Ave. Circa 1951.

Milwaukee, WI:
Gonda-Stern, 3006 N. Third St. IN business from 1946-1951.

Milwaukee, WI:
Peters Auto Sales
Peters Auto Sales, 5600 National Ave, Milwaukee (West Allis), WI. It was owned by Ben and/or Mike Peters. Click here to view more pictures and information on this dealership!

Milwaukee, WI:
Jesse A. Smith Auto Company of Milwaukee, 213-15 Wisconsin St.
: The Jesse A. Smith Auto Company was established independently in 1911. They handled and distributed Hudson and Essex cars with Wisconsin and upper Michigan as their territory. In 1920, Jesse Smith was the president of the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA).

Monfort, WI:

A.A. DeLong, Monfort, WI. Announced as new dealer in The Hudson Triangle, Vol.1 Number 8, December 2, 1911.

Portage, WI:
Jenkins Motor Sales
Jenkins Motor Sales, 901 East Wisconsin Street, Portage, WI. This delaership originated in 1939 as a Hudson Dealer and remained in business as a full service auto dealership until well after 2004.

Union Grove, WI:
Lonstrup Hudson Sales
Lonstrup Hudson Sales, 15th Ave. & Center (Hwy 11), Union Grove, WI.

West Allis, WI:
Chet Barnekow, 9423 W. Greenfield Ave. Wedding party captured the dealership in background on August 30, 1947. Location would later house Ed Mazzoni Motors. Click here for more pictures and information on this dealership.

West Allis, WI:
Ed Mazzoni Motors
Ed Mazzoni Motors, Inc., 9423 W. Greenfield Ave. Ad from Milwaukee Journal April 23, 1954. Click here for more pictures and information!


Casper, WY:
Jesse M. Chase
Jesse M. Chase Casper Motors, Inc.. Photo from February 25, 1957 Automotive News. May have been known as Jesse M. Chase Casper Co. in earlier years.

Casper, WY:
R.N. Van Sant
R.N. Van Sant, Corner of 2nd & Yellowstone Hwy. Circa 1920-1922.
The May 1920 Hudson Triangle mentioned an airplane being used to support the efforts of the dealership!
R.N. Van Sant

Cheyenne, WY:
Chief Automobile Company
Chief Automobile Company, Cheyenne, WY. Photo circa 1949.

Rock Springs, WY:
Western Auto Transit
Western Auto Transit, 210 "C" St. In business during at least 1927-29. The building is now occupied by the Allied Glass Company and is two buildings down the street from the Rock Springs History Museum. There appear to be three 1927 Essex automobiles posed in this picture. I am curious about the front bumpers. My understanding is that the bumpers were an option in 1927?


Looking for more information or pictures on the following Hudson Dealerships. Names, locations, and pictures are wanted.

Lambert Motor Company
Lambert Motor Co? Location of this multi-franchise dealership is unknown. The car on the left is a 1941 Willys Americar and the one on the right is a 1941 Hudson. Name on the building could be Lambert Motor Co. Possibly same as Lambert's Garage of New Windsor, MD?

Paxton Autocraft
Paxton Autocraft, W. Exchange St., City and State Unknown. Circa 1937. Possibly Akron, Ohio.

DECEMBER photo of the Month
This photo appeared in the December 1976 White Triangle News. The name and location of the dealership is unknown.
Looking at the cars, it dates to 1946 or '47. If you can identify this, please contact webmaster.




Courtesy HET JetSet - All Rights Reserved.